By-laws & Important Documents

Municipal By-Laws from The County of Prince Edward:
Municipal By-Laws from The County of Prince Edward:
The Municipal Act, Sections 204-215, Pertaining to Business Improvement Areas Designate Picton as a Business Improvement Area - BY-LAW NO. 4461-2019
Designate Heritage Conservation District & Heritage Conservation Plan - BY-LAW NO. 3286-2013
Mobile Canteens - BY-LAW NO. 1778-2006
Outdoor Patios - BY-LAW NO. 3372-2014
Retail Operations Permitted on Holidays - BY-LAW NO. 2237-2008
Sidewalk Use for Sales - BY-LAW NO. 332-1999
Signs - BY-LAW NO. 1122-2003 AS AMENDED
Waste Management - BY-LAW NO. 2649-2010
Waste - Fees and Charges

Municipal By-Laws from The County of Prince Edward:
Municipal By-Laws from The County of Prince Edward:
The Municipal Act, Sections 204-215, Pertaining to Business Improvement Areas Designate Picton as a Business Improvement Area - BY-LAW NO. 4461-2019
Designate Heritage Conservation District & Heritage Conservation Plan - BY-LAW NO. 3286-2013
Mobile Canteens - BY-LAW NO. 1778-2006
Outdoor Patios - BY-LAW NO. 3372-2014
Retail Operations Permitted on Holidays - BY-LAW NO. 2237-2008
Sidewalk Use for Sales - BY-LAW NO. 332-1999
Signs - BY-LAW NO. 1122-2003 AS AMENDED
Waste Management - BY-LAW NO. 2649-2010
Waste - Fees and Charges
Partner Organizations
and other BIAs like Bloomfield Area Business Association, the Wellington and District Business Association, and the Consecon and Area Ratepayers Association in the development of print marketing materials.

Current Funding Opportunities
Current Funding Opportunities
If your property is located within the Heritage Conservation District, you could receive up to 50% of the costs associated with:
- Facade Improvement
- Structural Improvement
- Heritage Restoration
- Interior Rehabilitation
- Landscaping & Property Improvement
- Signage Improvement
Local Resources
Local Resources
Winter Survival Workshops
The Winter Survival Workshops are administered by The Community Development Department in partnership with The Small Business Centre, Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation (PELA CFDC) and the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce. These partnering organizations identify relevant topics through data compiled by partners as well as agency meetings and client feedback. Workshops are then created to contribute to business knowledge, transformation, performance and growth.
Career Edge
Career Edge provides workshops and training opportunities for employers.
Items to Loan
Items to Loan
The BIA owns 5 10'x10' tents that are available to be loaned out. If you have a special event, we are happy to loan you a tent!
Giant Games
The BIA currently has a giant checkerboard and a giant Connect Four game available to be loaned to members.
Current Funding Opportunities
Current Funding Opportunities
If your property is located within the Heritage Conservation District, you could receive up to 50% of the costs associated with:
- Facade Improvement
- Structural Improvement
- Heritage Restoration
- Interior Rehabilitation
- Landscaping & Property Improvement
- Signage Improvement
Local Resources
Local Resources
Winter Survival Workshops
The Winter Survival Workshops are administered by The Community Development Department in partnership with The Small Business Centre, Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation (PELA CFDC) and the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce. These partnering organizations identify relevant topics through data compiled by partners as well as agency meetings and client feedback. Workshops are then created to contribute to business knowledge, transformation, performance and growth.
Career Edge
Career Edge provides workshops and training opportunities for employers.
Items to Loan
Items to Loan
The BIA owns 5 10'x10' tents that are available to be loaned out. If you have a special event, we are happy to loan you a tent!
Giant Games
The BIA currently has a giant checkerboard and a giant Connect Four game available to be loaned to members.